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Business and Info in Aviation
Dear airmen in Mexico,
Today, I'll talk about two FAA FAR's. FAA FAR Part § 61 .77: It applies to Mexicana and Aeromexico Airline Pilots . Airlines in Mexico that fly "N"ovember Registered Aircraft, their pilots are certified under FAA FAR Part §61.77 "Special Purpose pilot authorization:......". The pilots receive a document from the FAA certifying them to only fly the FAA Registered Aircraft that their airline operates. If a pilot leaves the airline for any reason, his certification then becomes invalid. That document is issued on a temporary basis. It will expire and the airline must renew it. If you happen to be one of those airmen that have been flying with document § 61.77, you might what to contact me so that I can assist you in receiving your permanent FAA Certificate instead of your temporary certificate. FAA FAR Part § 61 .56 Flight Review: This regulation might not be well understood by airmen in Mexico. Where the problem seems to be at it's worst, is when airmen fill-out an FAA Application requesting an FAA Certificate based on their Mexican License. The FAA then mails a Letter of Authorization to that airman in Mexico. That letter is inviting the airman to take it to a Flight Standard District Office (FSDO) to receive it's Temporary Airman Certificate, provided the airman meets the requirements since receiving the letter from the FAA does not automatically qualifies the pilot for a certificate. There's some critiria that the pilot needs to meet before he/she can receive their FAA Certificate. The FAA Letter of Authorization tells the airman the following; ".....NOTE:Before exercising the privileges of the FAA pilot certificate, the pilot must comply with the pertinent rules and requirements contained in 14 CFR Part 61 and 14 CFR Part 91. (§ 61.56 flight review requirements, recency of experience requirements,§ 61.58 PIC proficiency check,§61.51 required logbook entries, etc.)......" This means that the Temporary Airman Certificate they recieved, is invalid until the airman completes § 61.56 and other regulations. Parts § 61.56 (1) (2), tells ust; "...Accomplish a flight review given in an aircraft for which that pilot is rated by an authorized instructor; and a logbook endorsed from an authorized instructor who gave the review certifying that the person has satisfactorily completed the review.....(h) The requirements of this section may be accomplished in combination with the requirements of § 61.57 and other applicable recent experience requirements at the discretion of the authorized instructor conducting the flight review......." Airmen that have done the application by themselves and have received their temporary certficate or plastic but don't have a logbook endorsment showing that they have completed flight review as required, please contact me or someone else authorized by the FAA, to get you compliant with the FAR's that apply otherwise, airmen are doing contrary to what the FAA is telling them and that could get their FAA Certificate suspended or revocked. The FAA exists for one reason, safety, and would like to see more airmen taking the time to talk to someone authorized by the FAA to answer their questions. One of the things that I'm doing in Mexico, is keeping airmen current and compliant. Another problem that could occurre as a result of noncompliant with § 61.56 or other FAR's, is with the insurance policy holder of the airplane. If the pilot is involved in an incident or accident and the policy holder discovers that the pilot was flying with an invalid certificate, the policy could be cancelled and not cover any of the damages which could reach into the millions of dollars. Airmen need to understand the severity of not compling with FAR's mentioned on their letter. Noncompliant becomes a safety hazard . Airmen have asked me if they need to complete flight review since they go to FlightSafety for training every six months. The fact that those pilots receive training at FlightSafety does not make it automatic that they meet the requirements of Part § 61.56. The instructor providing that training has to issue the log book endorsement if that training meets the requirements of § 61.56. However, if those pilots did not get an endorsement in their logbook stating they met the requirements of Part § 61.56 at the time, then the instructor who issues this endorsement has to comply with the regulation by conducting a complete flight review. By signing a flight review endorsement, the instructor is making him/her self responsible and attest he/she conducted a complete flight review. When pilots go to FlightSafetey for training, the pilots go to learn how to fly a specific airplane with it's systems and limitations as per FAR Part § 61.58 "Pilot-In-Command proficiency check...". Flight Review is not about any airplane or limitations, it's about FAR's. FlightSafety is about code § 61.58 PIC and Flight Review is about code §61.56. They are two different codes and tow different titles. They are two different things, two different services. When they go to FlightSafety, they go for one service and not two. Airmen can now receive FAA Certifications in Mexico and not just in the U.S. It doesn't matter where you do it, just do it as soon as practical. I hope that this has been of some help to you. You may contact this magazine for further information or you may contact me any time you wish, I'm here to help. Until next time. Please fly safe. Roger C. Fernandez FAA Gold Seal CFI CFII MEI ATP [email protected] Nextel; 62*188292*1 CEL; (771) 141-0546 in Mexico Or for further information you can also contact: Carlos A. Balderas FAA Aviation Safety Inspector SAT FSDO (SW-17) (210) 308-3300 Or: [email protected]
7 Comentarios
7/21/2013 09:01:15 am
2/7/2014 06:37:18 am
te comento mucho cuidado con esta persona es un ladron lo buscan en estados unidos por q uso el dinero q recibieron del gobierno para los alumnos les daban una tarjeta yo era uno de ellos y me comento q comprara una avioneta I lo ise pero yo no savia donde cambiarla de nombre y el sela puso asu nombre
7/21/2013 09:02:46 am
Mas aun dijo ser un DAR pero no aparece en la lista de DAR s de la faa
4/7/2012 04:31:32 am
6/24/2012 04:23:16 am
Just taking a quick coffee break and wanted to post a hello
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